PATCHS - Our new online service!

Get help from your GP without waiting for an appointment


PATCHS is an online consultation service that allows you to quickly and easily access GP services.
Answer a few simple questions and PATCHS will get you the help you need


Log in/ Sign up for PATCHS


What should I use PATCHS for?

Anything non-urgent that you need to ask your GP:

  • GP consultations
  • Fit/sick note
  • Letter requests
  • Health advice

How does it work

Use the website or mobile app to request help, and your GP will contact you to answer your question(s).

In some cases you may also need a follow-up appointment – either over the phone, video or face-to-face. We will arrange this with you when we contact you.

Like all appointments there are a limited number per day. Once these appointments are filled PATCHS will be closed until the next day. To find out more about why your GP practice may be unavailable for requests on PATCHS please here


How do I get started with PATCHS?

  1. Log in/ Sign up for PATCHS
  2. Once you have registered, you can access PATCHS by going to their website or opening the PATCHS app on your smartphone. 
  3. Choose the appropriate option and answer a few simple questions to help your GP understand your problem.
  4. Your answers are sent to your GP who responds as quickly as possible. Initial responses may be via online message or phone, with face-to-face or video consultation appointments scheduled if necessary.

Does this replace Online Consult?

Yes, PATCHS replaces the Online Consult system we previously used. It’s now the quickest way to contact us for things you would normally ask in a routine appointment or phone us to ask.